To integrate with Facebook’s Conversion API, you need to retrieve the Pixel ID and generate an access token from Meta Events Manager.
Step 1: Access the Datasets Menu in Facebook Business Manager
Go to Facebook Business Manager.
In the sidebar, find and click on the "Datasets" menu.
Step 2: Open the Pixel in Events Manager
Select the pixel you want to use.
Click on the "Open in Events Manager" button.
Step 3: Copy the Dataset ID
In the Events Manager, select the pixel you want to use.
Open the "Settings" tab.
Copy the Dataset ID and paste it into the Sygnal dashboard.
Step 4: Generate and Copy the Access Token
Scroll down the Settings tab and find the "Conversions API" section.
Under "Set up Direct Integration," click "Generate Access Token."
Copy the generated access token and paste it into the Sygnal dashboard settings.
By following these steps, you will successfully locate and use the Pixel ID and access token from Meta Events Manager for Sygnal.